Job-hunting can be so unpredictable and a roller coaster of emotion. You see the perfect job online, spend hours and hours tailoring an application, submit your application and then hear nothing. Zilch, zero – complete utter silence, not even a thank you, but no thank you.
You pick yourself up and apply for another job. Same story!
You apply for about 20 jobs and you finally get an interview. Your heart is racing with excitement, as the job sounds so wonderful, with a potential for a pay rise. You get to interview, all goes well and then the despair, when you get the dreaded rejection letter.
At this stage, with a wounded soul, you back of a little and start questioning your ability. Naysayers tell you how hard it is and you decide to keep safe and secure in your current job (after all the job you are in, is not that bad right?), or start applying for jobs that you are over qualified for (you need to put bread on the table).
STOP and take a deep breath!