Job-hunting will take longer than you would like. The culprit is not necessarily you, but the current recruitment system that is flawed. With the advent of job boards, your competition has increased a thousand-fold, as it is so easy for anyone to apply for a job. Employers are also automating the recruitment process, which is why it is so impersonal and harder to succeed. In fact, SEEK noted that 75% of Australians who are currently searching for a new job, have been looking for up to six months.
In order to not only survive a job search, but also have a successful job search, you need the right headspace.
Understand that job hunting is not always easy
When you start a job-search process, you must embrace two key facts about the job-search process:
- It is not always the best qualified who will win the position.
- Rejection, or not hearing back from recruiters and employers is a fact of life and will happen dozens if not hundreds of times.

Once you accept the system is broken and that the overwhelming majority of job seekers will encounter barriers, then you will be less likely to take it personally. Not taking it personally can be difficult, but if you detach yourself from the emotion of the process, you will understand that rejection is just part and parcel of the job-search process and not wallow in self-pity.
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